The William Bishop Trust |
(Registered Charity no: 1058656) |
This charity was founded by the late William
Bishop in 1846 to establish a church school
for the poor children in the Parish of Ufton
Nervet. It is highly probable that the
present Sulhamstead and Ufton Nervet Primary
School is the direct successor of the school
founded in 1846. The area of benefit of the
Trust covers the ecclesiastical parishes of
Sulhamstead Abbots and Bannister with Ufton
Nervet and the civil parishes of Sulhamstead
and Ufton Nervet, which are slightly
different. Also, the applicant must have
been, or is at present, a pupil of the S.U.N.
School. The Trust was set up for students
under the age of 25 years who are in need of
financial help towards the furtherance of
their education. Such a student can make an
application for help for specialist
clothing, tools, books, musical instruments
and any other item needed for the
continuation of their study. All
applications will be dealt with by the
trustees in confidence and written
applications should be sent to:- |
Mrs Sheila Price
The Abbots, Sulhamstead Abbots, RG7 4EE |