The Bishop of Reading comes to SUN |
The Rt Revd Andrew Proud
enjoyed his breakfast and blessing our Tower of London
Poppies, also meeting the congregation after service for
coffee. |
The Rt Revd Andrew Proud
Sunday 19th April 2015 |
St Mary's Church Roof Blessing by The Bishop of Reading |
Wednesday 10th June 2015 |
For some
time the Churchwardens of St Mary’s Sulhamstead, Dorcas
Green and Ros Coulson, have worried about the roof of
their 13th Century church. Slipping tiles, and the
prospect of imminent roof failure prompted action on a
new tiled roof. |
Those who
have been here before will know that this is not a
project to be undertaken lightly. |
with the aid of a generous grant from a local charity, (Ufton
Nervet Fuel Allotment Charity), gifts from local people,
and with the assistance of the Greenham Common Trust,
the project has come to fruition. |
Restorations of Swindon worked to a tight timetable, and
blessed by good weather, worked around wedding bookings,
to the delight and relief of all our brides. |
Hundreds of
handmade tiles were signed by parishioners,
schoolchildren, wedding couples, baptised babies (or
their parents), or just passers by. Great fun for the
local historian in the years ahead! Just who are Chelsea
and Everton? |
The roof
was blessed by Bishop Andrew on the 10th of June from a
vantage point on top of the scaffolding. Bishop Andrew
said “The church looks fantastic, and is a visible sign
for all to see, of a vibrant Christian presence in this
part of Berkshire. The roof will shelter our Christian
family for years to come”. |
priest Revd Anthony Peabody thanked everyone for their
persistence, skill and generosity which made the roof
project go smoothly, and which has resulted in a thing
of beauty and delight, our new church roof. |
Tobi Corney Photography
The Granary, Corney Street, Eastbury,
Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 7JL
01488 670115 mob:
07976 724 705 |